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Iceland was the most magical place I have ever been. It was truly the trip of a lifetime. I discovered a piece of myself that had been missing, I learned about a part of the world that I knew nothing about, I explored, I asked questions, I dove in head first.
What an interesting time to be alive, right? Our entire world is shifting, and we don’t know for how long, what is to come, or really anything at all. This all started as I was in the middle of my annual vacation. I woke up around 4am to my phone blowing up and everyone telling me I wasn’t going to be able to fly back to the United States if I didn’t get on a plane, like NOW.
Yesterday, March 1st, was a day I celebrate every year. It’s the day that reminds me to not take life for granted. It’s the day that puts things into perspective. It’s the day that makes me feel more grateful and alive than any other day.
This coming March it will be 4 years since my surgeries and treatments to remove the cancer from my body. Every 6-month checkup brings about a lot of fear and emotion that continue to take me by surprise. However, the past few months were worse than I had ever experienced.
I absolutely love to travel, but traveling isn’t always easy. Booking flights and being in an unknown country can be tricky, especially as a vegan. Throw in jet lag and a foreign language and you’ve got a recipe for disaster, hah!
For me, there’s something really special about the beginning of a new year. It’s a time of reflection, of gratitude, and of visualization. I know that some people are really over the whole “new year new you” type of mindset, and I couldn’t agree more. So I don’t want you to get this confused. The beginning of the new year doesn’t mean you morf into some different version of yourself and magically change all of your bad habits.
So, this is a pretty funny blog for me to write. You wouldn’t know it, but I am somewhat “new” to jumping on the clean beauty bandwagon. I tried it YEARS ago - and did not like any of the products that I tried. So, after a few more years of living with harmful chemicals on my face I finally decided to give it another try, and I am so glad I did!
With it being near mid-December, it seems this is the time of the year when most of my clients, friends, and family are asking me “What do I do to boost my immune system so I don’t get sick?” Or, they have already caught something and they are trying to figure out how to get out from under it.
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I have been busy making client meal plans and Thanksgiving menu’s for them and all of their loved one’s. I find myself being asked “Well, what do you make for Thanksgiving?”
Let me just say this - they put all of this plant based jargon into a main stream concept that just about anyone could relate to - and they did it well.
Technology is a godsend. Being able to check emails or buy toilet paper from our phones has been a huge advancement for us humans. However, there comes a point when screen time can actually harm our health. Too much screen time can actually restructure the matter that makes up our brains!
If you want to know my experience as a brand new restaurant owner - you’ve come to the right place. Because that’s what we are diving into today. It seems to be a hot topic around my peers, as everyone wants to know “What does it feel like to have your own restaurant?” or “Are you miserable, yet?” It’s quite funny the comments and projections from others that come my way.
Meal delivery services have long been capitalizing on our lack of time and effort. We applaud them for it. But, do they really deliver? To narrow down the options, we first wanted to try Veestro and share our review with you all.
I recently shared on social media that I have been participating in hypnotherapy for the past 5 months, and it seems like most everyone wanted to know more about it. While this was a pretty personal endeavor, I coach my clients how to become more vulnerable - so I suppose this is going to be a blog post all about me being vulnerable with you and practicing what I preach.
You’ve probably heard people talking a lot about self-care lately. It seems like you can’t scroll through insta without escaping posts about face masks and yoga classes. But, what does self-care really mean and is it something we truly need?
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When I first transitioned to a vegan lifestyle at the age of 17, I was quickly introduced to the magic of Spirulina. EarthRise Spirulina was my first purchase, and it still keeps its’ place in my pantry today.
Why is it that we value our commitments and promises to our peers more so than we value our commitments and promises to ourselves? This is our human nature, but it definitely doesn’t do us any good when we’re trying to jump on this self-love and self-development band wagon.
Sitting in my office, on my couch, on a cold and rainy day. Sipping my favorite tea from Urban Tea House, listening to Spotify’s “rainy day” playlist, and watching candles burn. Sounds like heaven, right? It kind of is.
Today, March 1, 2019 is kind of a big deal in my world. March 1 is a day I celebrate every year.
I teach my clients a lot about goal setting, detaching from the outcome, and listening to the Universe. While I teach these practices, I don’t often share my own stories.
Some of you may be sitting down to a meal with your families and friends, some of you may be cooking up a storm, some may even be a bottle of wine in -
Recently, I have had many new clients start their coaching program with me and I would say about 50% of them had been taking anywhere from 6-12 different supplements every single day.
I am currently headed home from the Institute of Integrative Nutriton’s annual conference. This was my third year in a row to attend - and each time I have walked away feeling more inspired and motivated than ever before.
Today, March 1st, 2018, is just another day. Most people are waking up, running out the door, and reliving the same day they lived yesterday. Many days are like that for me as well. However, today – and all of the days this month – are different.
I have two secrets. One of which I have already shared with you (olive oil). The second is my spice cabinet.
If you are new to clean eating and living, you may be wondering what body care products you should be using, or not using.
If you are looking for healthy options around town, check out the places listed below! It was intended to be a list of all the local hot spots who serve organic, locally sourced, gluten free, plant-based, or humanely raised options, but it has turned into more of a plant-based options list, minus a few.
We’ve all been there. Feeling like our healthiest selves are nowhere to be found. Or like being healthy requires a ton of work, resources, time, and a long list of things that seem far-fetched or out of reach. But what if that was all an illusion? What if we could actually be healthier, feel better, and live a happier life with a few small changes that almost seemed too good to be true?