Blueberry Muffins
So, let’s talk about muffins for a quick sec. I enjoy muffins, sure. But I am definitely not a muffin connoisseur. I’m never tempted by muffins, at least not anymore. HOWEVER, when I was a kid, a very round and overweight kid, I LOVED muffins. Mini-muffins to be exact. The kind that came in a box and had 6 mini-muffins per bag. I typically ate about a box a day, meaning 36 muffins, give or take, per day. They were SMALL, okay?!? Well, nevertheless, somehow in my teenage years I weaned myself off of muffins and never looked back. Until now.
The other day I came home with a to-do list a mile long and all I wanted to do was bake - so that’s exactly what I did. For some reason I decided to test out a muffin recipe that popped into my head, and I’m sure glad I did because it worked! I adore these muffins. They are light, yet filling. They are sweet, but not too sweet. And of course they are vegan and gluten free. My personal favorite thing about that is that they are made with almond flour, and I have a serious soft spot for anything with almonds.
So, if you’re anything like me, I think you’ll love these muffins just as much as I do.
They are super easy to make and would make for a fun activity with the kiddos, if you have them :)
Photo by Katie Cunningham
1 1/2 cup oat flour
3/4 cup almond flour or almond meal
3/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup applesauce
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple, grade a or b
1 T ground flaxseed
1 1/2 t vanilla extract
1 t baking powder
3/4 t baking soda
1/2 t sea salt
Photo by Katie Cunningham
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
Add all ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Stir until well-combined.
Line a muffin pan with liners, or use a silicone muffin pan. This recipe should made 12 regular sized muffins or 6 large muffins.
Scoop the batter into the muffin molds/tins until 3/4 of the way full.
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.