Summer Crepes

For the longest time I didn’t understand people who ate savory breakfasts. I was ALWAYS a sweet breakfast or more fruit based kind of person. This is where crepes come in.

My sister and I were obsessed with crepes for a hot minute during our childhood and we would just sit around and eat them plain. However, I truly forgot about them until I was trying to think of something new to teach at my latest Eat to Live Workshop.

Part of me wasn’t convinced that a healthy crepe could taste as good, but I was wrong. This recipe is also good enough to eat them plain if you’re anything like my sister or I.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Summer Crepes

Yields about 12 crepes

Items Needed:

Crepes, Coconut Crème, Fruit of choice, coconut oil for greasing the pan


Coconut Crème Ingredients: 

½ cup cashews 

1 can coconut milk 

2 tablespoons honey

1 tablespoons vanilla 

Pinch of salt 


Cashew Crème Directions: 

1.      Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. 

2.      Pour into a bowl or container of choice and set aside. 


 Crepe Ingredients:

1 cup oat flour

1/3 cup arrowroot flour

2 tablespoons ground flaxseed 

1 can coconut milk 

½ cup water 

1 tablespoon vanilla 

3 tablespoons honey

Pinch of salt 


Crepe Directions: 

1.      Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. 

2.      Pour into a container that has a pour spout and set aside. 

3.      Heat a non-stick skillet on low-medium heat. 

4.      Grease your pan lightly with coconut oil, and use a paper towel to pick up any excess. 

5.      Use about 1/3 cup of batter per crepe. When you pour it onto the pan make sure you have something to spread it with so that it stays thin like a crepe. 

6.      Cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side and use a spatula to flip. 


Crepe Assembly: 

1.      Add about 2 tablespoons of crème into the middle of each crepe. 

2.      Roll them up and place them on your serving plates. 

3.      Top with fresh fruit of choice. 


